20 Slideshows

The presence of so many immigrants in the area means that houses often take on a cheerier look than the aboriginals tend to give them. Here a family from the Indian sub-continent have gone to town: all the bricks are picked out and the front wall is treated in coloured relief with motifs (mostly hearts and diamonds) in red yellow and blue. In 1975 this is reworked, perhaps by new residents, as a subtle arrangement of pink and white, which a year later is delicately varied by a change from white to pink of two of the lozenges. In 1978 the whole wall is painted white though the original relief of the shapes can be still seen. As the years pass, not only do the shapes show up more clearly, but, in tune with a general tendency in 20 Sites for the past to reassert itself, the paint starts to flake revealing touches of the original colour.
Children and two wheeled vehicles seem to haunt this site (our arrival coincides with end of school). The shrouded motor cycle is a feature from 1981-3 (unveiled in 1984) and we also see in 1976, if somewhat belatedly, the BMX cycle. Is it the same boy on the same bike passing by in 1988 and 89?
In 1985 a large and very clean vehicle is prominent, announcing the New Testament Church of God. This is appropriate since here we have the only view of a typical local church, although (at the moment) we only see the top of its steeple.