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Merely Connect

A Questschrift for Salman Rushdie

Publisher: Carpenter Centre for the Visual Arts, Harvard University in association with the Talfourd Press, London 1993
Bound at the Harvard Bindery: Sam Ellenport

Preface: Salman Rushdie

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Merely Connect

Merely Connect

Merely Connect

Merely Connect

A book of approximately 68 pages consisting of numerous etchings, and digitally composed imagery by Tom Phillips, cuneiform and Arabic writing and several pages of text including the first published extracts from Salman Rushdie's new novel The Moor's Last Sigh, in handwritten facsimile.

Ed.12 numbered 1-12. 1 copy édition de tête, designated Copy A (incorporating  MSS, artwork and other original material) and 7 copies hors de commerce lettered B through H. All copies signed by both Salman Rushdie and Tom Phillips.