20 Slideshows

Fourth in the line of studios is the art school I attended for three years between 1960 and 1963, which at that time only consisted of the once prizewinning building on the right. The hideous new addition had just been completed at the start of 20 Sites and in 1973 we see, almost emblematically, a member of staff moving equipment from the old to the new. In 1985 the old door was closed seemingly for the last time.
On hot days students are sometimes seen on the steps but the main figure interest is held by what has come to be (as a result of the wideness of the pavement and the number of passersby) the only close-up in the work. The brief heatwave of 1978 features one of the more spectacular of these.
The new building still looks naked after all the passing years, its only adornment being a crude nameplate and the ugly Hazchem warning. Although I had given up teaching by the time 20 Sites was started I have done the odd day in the pottery department, and gave a drawing prize every year (until the students stopped drawing) to keep some contact with the school.
There is often a hint of an imminent or very recent traffic catastrophe, perhaps to mirror, in the great years of Thatcherite brutalisation, the decline of the school into an adjunct of a polytechnic, for, by 1992 it had lost its Fine Art course.